Drop In | Silver Tier Basketball League
Grades 5-7
Service Description
The Silver Tier is a combined group of select 5th, 6th and 7th grade athletes. MPOWR Culture’s Basketball League is a co-ed program. Players meet 2x a week for 10 weeks, with one day dedicated to in-depth skill development and coaching. Players turn skill concepts into plays, figuring out why and how to use them. Competitiveness and coaching are a highlight of the basketball league. This program is the perfect alternative for athletes who want to dedicate more time to skill development or aren’t ready to join a basketball team. MPOWR Culture's Basketball League is available in the fall with a late August/ early September start date. Program focus: how to adapt, attack, and execute concepts such as DHO's (dribble hand off), PNR (pick and roll action), and defensive coverages. Program Dates & Schedule: Duration: Friday, November 8 - Saturday, December 21 No class: November 29-30 Skills Training & Concepts | Fridays | 6:15 - 7:15 pm Games | Saturdays Silver 5-6 Grade | 9:10 - 10:00 am Sliver 6-7 Grade | 10:10 - 11:00 am Training attire: MPOWR Culture training shirt, black bottoms, and basketball shoes. Uniform can be purchased at mpowr-culture.com/shop. Select "Official Training Shirt". Be sure to bring your basketball & water. Cost: $45 to drop in and pay per day. Booking Instructions: Select date > select 6:15 pm > complete registration form > select "Use Pricing Plan" under Payment field
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Ready to start your journey? To join a basketball program, sign a waiver, enroll in a pricing plan, then register. Pricing plans show up as a subscription and allow you to register for certain classes. Because pricing plans are significantly discounted from the daily drop-in rate, your subscription cannot be cancelled once enrolled. You will not receive credits for missed classes. You are financially responsible for the cost of the basketball program once you enroll, regardless of how often your athlete participates. Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather that prohibits training services from being rendered, make-up sessions will be allotted. Make-up sessions may be clumped together with like programs. Training dates/times will be provided by MPOWR. If you decide not to take advantage of it, no other offer will be extended to you. You will not receive a credit for declining.