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Young Protege I

Winter Basketball

1 hBohls Middle School, 5104 Pleasanton Parkway, Pflugerville, TX

Service Description

Young Protege is a co-ed basketball program designed to focus on high-level game-translatable concepts that challenge, elevate, and develop each player’s basketball IQ. Competitive play is incorporated with 3v3 and 1v1 rotations. Young Protege basketball classes are fast paced, requiring athletes to be accountable for their reps. Our objective is to meticulously insert the micro details that will lead to skill mastery. Program focus: situational-competitive drills, offensive recognition & reads, critical game related skills, such as off-the-ball movement, ball handling progressions, shooting- finishing, screening, cutting, passing, defensive concepts, and proper footwork. Schedule: 13 weeks, January 28 - April 30 (No Class Spring Break March 17, 19, April 15, 22, 29) Tuesdays & Thursdays | 6:30 - 7:30 pm Location: Bohls MS, 5104 Pleasanton Parkway, Pflugerville, TX 78660 *Minor details subject to change Uniform: MPOWR Culture training shirt, black solid bottoms, basketball shoes. Be sure to bring your basketball & water. New students will receive 2 uniform shirts. Adt'l training shirts can be purchased at Select "Official Training Shirt". Tips on preparing for class can be found in our FAQ section. Cost: 5 payments of $186 due every 3 weeks plus one time registration fee of $65. First payment due January 17th. Remaining collected February 7th, February 28th, March 21, April 18 Uniform fee includes 2 training shirts for new students. 1 training shirt for returners. Ready to join the Winter Young Protege? Step 1: Sign the Waiver Step 2: Purchase the Pricing Plan Step 3: Register here Booking Instructions: Select Jan 28 > select 6:30 > complete registration form > select "Use Pricing Plan" under Payment field. Pricing plan reflects a 'free trial'. There is no free trial. This allows your first payment to draft Jan 17.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Ready to start your journey? To join a basketball program, sign a waiver, enroll in a pricing plan, then register. Pricing plans show up as a subscription and allow you to register for certain classes. Because pricing plans are significantly discounted from the daily drop-in rate, your subscription cannot be cancelled once enrolled. You will not receive credits for missed classes. You are financially responsible for the cost of the basketball program once you enroll, regardless of how often your athlete participates. Inclement Weather In the event of inclement weather that prohibits training services from being rendered, make-up sessions will be allotted. Make-up sessions may be clumped together with like programs. Training dates/times will be provided by MPOWR. If you decide not to take advantage of it, no other offer will be extended to you. You will not receive a credit for declining.

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